
mamomgramThe Beast Care and Bone Density Centre provides advanced CR mammography technology for precise breast imaging.

What is a mammogram? A mammogram is a special x-ray of breast tissue, taken by compressing the breast gently between a paddle and the x-ray tube, allowing definition of fibro glandular tissue. Images of the breast tissue are then assessed by an experienced radiologist.

Does a mammogram hurt? The compression is gentle and there is NO PAIN involved, however some might find it mildly uncomfortable. Our experienced, caring staff will do their best to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you.

Why have a mammogram? An annual mammogram is essential in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, providing the best chance to treat it successfully.

Who should have a mammogram? A routine annual mammogram for breast cancer screening is recommended for all women from the age of 40, or earlier for those who have any concern or a family history of breast cancer.

High Resolution Breast Ultrasound

High resolution breast ultrasounds use the latest in digital sound wave imaging technology to produce detailed images of irregularities in the breast tissue. They are fast are often used to supplement the information obtained from a mammogram to provide a holistic understanding of the breast.

Ultrasounds are a good choice for assessing lumps in women younger than 35 years to determine the nature of the abnormality.

What is a breast ultrasound? An ultrasound is a non-radiation diagnostic tool using a transductor that emits high frequency soundwaves [10 -13MHz]. The transductor is moved over the surface of the breast and picks up echoes that create a defined picture of the breast anatomy, especially ductal structures.

Does a breast ultrasound hurt? No, an ultrasound is a completely painless procedure

Imaging Consult

At The Breast Care and Bone Density Centre all patients have a consultation with the radiologist either during their imaging or in the consultation room. The radiologist will also assess your breast images for abnormalities and discuss these findings with you personally.